My name is Wayne Meyers. I enjoy meeting almost everyone. I have tried almost everything. I AM ADDICTED TO CHICKEN JOKES!
That's a brief generic description, but I'd like to give you a few more details to clarify things, if I may.
When I said I enjoy everyone, I mean everyone who I've come in contact with so far in my life. I enjoy my grandchildren,
my children, my family, my friends, my neighbors, and just about every new person I ever met. Each has done something to
enrich my life. Since all my friends tell me I'm an extreme extrovert, I'm sure there are opportunities too numerous to mention
yet to come. If you ever see me out and about - just say "Howdy" - I'll be glad to say "Howdy" right
I was a member of the Navy branch of the Armed Forces. I served on an experimental ship called the USS Compass Island
(EAG 153) during the Cuban Crisis. I was a Pennsylvania State Fire instructor for many years and belonged to at several different
fire companies before I got sick. I have always belonged to the Fire Department whereever I lived and where I worked. I've
served as an officer in each of the departments at one time or another. I like to fish, hunt, fly radio controlled airplanes,
go camping, go walking, golf and garden. I hope to be able to get back to all these activities one day soon. Right now, I
am still enjoying using my ham radio and stargazing with the Amateur Astronomy Association of Pittsburgh. Currently, one of
my favorite activities is going out for lunch.
I love chicken jokes - good ones, bad ones, any kind of chicken jokes. If you know any good ones, please feel free to
share them with us!
Why does a chicken coup have two doors?
(Because if it had four doors it would be a chicken sedan! : - )
That's me in a nutshell. Hope one day we'll get to meet in person. I'll be looking forward to it!

Here is a link to the site of our Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh....take a look, we think you will really enjoy
our site. There's lots of information available, and these are some great people!
